Would you like to participate in this course next school year 2022-2023? Please make a pre-registration so we can keep you informed about this course.
Final Registration
You want to confirm your participation for this course in the schoolyear 2022-2023?
Dates can be subject to change and are only final after official confirmation by the course provider.
Local partners organize these international courses in cooperation with Eekhout Academy.
The hosting partner organisation is Malmö Stad.
Pedagogisk inspiration Malmö
Rönnbladsgatan 1B
205 80 Malmö
The whole world is becoming increasingly permeated by technology. Our lives are increasingly taking place online and we are constantly connected.
And precisely because we are in such a digital age, it is important that everyone moves with the digitalisation. That includes children, preferably as early as possible. Because in order to function well in this society, it is essential that they are introduced the best way to digital life at a young age. This means that young children are introduced to the digital world already in kindergarten or at the latest during primary education.
In order to prepare children for that (digitised) future, digital literacy is one of the subject areas that is becoming extremely important.

Digital literacy consists of a combination of a number of digital skills:
- Basic ICT skills: basic knowledge of how to use computers (safely).
- Media literacy: conscious, critical, and active use of media.
- Information skills: searching for, finding, and processing digital information.
- Computational thinking: being able to solve problems with the aid of computers.
The question is, of course, how to gradually implement digitisation in a school. During this course, participants get an insight into how schools in Sweden are gradually immersed in the bath of digitalisation.
In this course we offer the opportunity to learn about the implementation of the digitalization process in combination with school visits where the participants can experience from first hand how this process was carried out. During these school visits there is ample possibility for interaction and exchange of ideas.
More information soon!
– For a detailed explanation, have a look at our ‘Cost Structure‘.
– You can request an Erasmus Plus grant from your national agency which will cover almost all costs of this course.
– We can guide you through the process of funding and application. To do so, you need the make a pre-registration.
– After pre-registration, we’ll contact you by mail and provide the application help.
More information soon!