


Would you like to participate in this course next school year 2022-2023? Please make a pre-registration so we can keep you informed about this course.

Final Registration

You want to confirm your participation for this course in the schoolyear 2022-2023?

Dates can be subject to change and are only final after official confirmation by the course provider.


  • Collaboration

The local partner organizes these international courses in cooperation with Eekhout Academy.

The hosting partner organisation is the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College, The National College for Further Education

MaltaTriq L-Ewropa

Victoria  VCT2731

Gozo (Malta)

PIC: 912755354


  • What

Schools are facing complex transitions that have an impact on all levels and for all stakeholders. There are a lot of exciting challenges to be realised such as: developing basic skills, literacy and key competences, thinking skills, language skills and creativity.  In addition, the Covid pandemic created an urgence to act immediately and effectively. Only inspirational and strategic leadership provides a vision and direction towards effectiveness and success in these matters.

“To mobilise support for innovation, resilience and change, particularly in the uncertainty created by the pandemic, education systems need to become better at communicating the need and building support for change. Investing in capacity development and change-management skills will be critical; and it is vital that teachers become active agents for change, not just in implementing technological and social innovations, but in designing them too. “ © OECD 2021, The state of school education: One year into the COVID pandemic

The course also explores didactical skills for teachers who want to enable dynamic learning in tomorrow’s learning environment based on new learning theories.

The course wants to contribute to the empowerment of schools as learning organisations. During the course sessions we have a look at different aspects of education quality and the role of the school team to achieve good quality.

Participants will get to know new teaching and learning methods that address the educational challenges of the future.

At the end of the course, the participants should be able to define a realistic list of challenges, priorities and possible solutions, and design the accompanying leadership approach to implement the innovation towards a higher education quality.

Day 1: Leadership: why is it important, what needs have to be addressed, examples of approach

  • Introduction, ice breaking, presentation of programme
  • Schools are facing complex transitions that have an impact on all levels and for all stakeholders There are a lot of exciting challenges to be realised such as: developing basic skills, literacy and key competences, thinking skills, language skills and creativity.In addition, the Covid pandemic created an urgence to act immediately and effectively.
  • Education in the 21st Century: Competent – Connect – Communicate– Collaboration – Creation – Critical
  • Vision and forecasting: our “take on education” seen from the 3 horizons
  • GPS method : brainstorm technique to discuss about the innovative gamechangers in educations
  • Digital transformation in education: innovations to keep an eye on
  • Developing future oriented scenarios and involvement of different stakeholders in education

Day 2: Leading schools into innovation / change: only inspirational and strategic leadership provides a vision and direction towards effectiveness and success in these matters.

  • Coaching change processes
  • Development of strong vision and making choices
  • Kotter’s 8 steps and variations
  • School culture andschool organization
  • Shared or co-creative leadership – situational leadership – educational leadership – transformational leadership
  • Appreciative inquiry
  • Sustained and durable leadership
  • Processes of innovation – ex. Hype circle Gartner
  • Toolbox for leading change _ Tips on how to innovate and still manage the work pressure
    • Early adopters
    • Nudging – Quick wins instead of big revolutions
    • Co-creation methods: world café, scenario writing and storyboarding, design thinking, elevator speech
    • Change in infrastructure
    • Solution for an authentic urgency
  • Qualitative school organisation: communication platform, communication channels, HR…

Day 3: Didactical and pedagogical processes, the course also explores didactical / pedagogical skills for teachers who want to enable dynamic learning in tomorrow’s learning environment based on new learning theories.

  • Participants will get to know new teaching and learning methods that address the educational challenges of the future: embedded learning, student centred learning, situated learning, experimental learning, active hybrid learning, SMAC-approach…
  • Based on a per-task the needs of the participants will be assembled and the examples will be chosen in line with those needs.
  • Study visit to a school, where an observation exercise will be carried out using the newly acquired insights. The observation is based on the ‘Classroom Walkthrough’ methodology.

Day 4: Learning organisations; relation and interaction between leadership, innovation and education quality

The course wants to contribute to the empowerment of schools as learning organisations. During the course sessions we have a look at different aspects of education quality and the role of the school team to achieve good quality.

  • Innovation as change, capacity development and change-management skills
  • Cyclic systems, Team school golden circle (Simon Sinec)
  • Single, double and triple loop learning in learning organizations
  • From sharedambitions towards a strategy: professional development plans, co-teaching, brainstorm rooms, mentorship programs, observations…(learning culture), 360° feedback
  • Professional development plans in view ofhuman-centred approach and quality of education
  • Visualization of educational quality and data-based quality, school data literacy

Day 5:

  • Development of personal case
  • Transfer exercises
  • Presentation of ‘Master Piece’ on own context
  • Evaluation, certificates and farewell

Note: A voluntary cultural activity of half a day is planned during the course week. The cost is not included in the course fee.

  • Understand the structure, attitudes and behaviour associated with leadership;
  • Be able to self-reflect on the own leadership;
  • Distinguish different types of leaderships that can be used in different situations;
  • Understand the effect of innovation as being a change; Gain insight in the concept of education quality;
  • Understand the relation between leadership, innovation and quality;
  • Improved knowledge of other European educational systems;
  • Improved insight of differences and similarities between European countries, resulting in a better understanding and respect;
  • Pick up ideas from other countries which they can incorporate and transfer into their own practice.
  • It was amazing how different our education systems are, but at the same time how similar our challenges and problems are. During the course I’ve learned a lot about possible solutions I hadn’t imagined before.
  • Thanks to the trainers and the reflection exercises, I developed a quite different idea on leadership. Now I understand why some of our changes didn’t work out as planned.
  • The relation between leadership, innovation and quality was the backbone of this course and will be the structure of my next approaches at school.



The seminar is organized in a hotel. There is an easy access from the airport.


– For a detailed explanation, have a look at our ‘Cost Structure‘.


– You can request an Erasmus Plus grant from your national agency which will cover almost all costs of this course.

– We can guide you through the process of funding and application. To do so, you need the make a pre-registration.

– After pre-registration, we’ll contact you by mail and provide the application help.

More information will soon be available.

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