
Gozo (Malta)

Are you interested in participating in this course this school year 2025-2026? Please make a pre-registration so we can keep you informed about this course.

Final Registration

18/11/2024 – 22/11/2024 Gozo (Malta)

Would you like to confirm your participation for this course in the schoolyear 2024-2025? Secure your place and make a final registration.

Dates can be subject to change and are only final after official confirmation by the course provider.
  • Hosting organisation

The local partner organizes these international courses in cooperation with Eekhout Academy.

The hosting partner organisation is Gozo College Sannat Primary & Special Unit.

Gozo College Sannat Primary & Special Unit
Sannat Road
Ta’ Sannat, SNT 9020
Gozo, Malta
OID = E10159860

  • What

Recently, the Maltese government launched the first ever National Autism Strategy. Of course, education is a big part of this strategy.

Malta chose to take a holistic approach to autism in education. It is refreshing that Malta does not look at autism merely from a medical point of view, but instead, as a phenomenon where the social aspect is key, and must be taken into account, if we are really to make a difference, and empower persons on the autism spectrum and their families.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong developmental disorder characterized by challenges in social imagination, social communication and social understanding. It affects ‘how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them’. The ‘spectrum’ refers to the wide variety of strengths and challenges experienced by individuals on the autism spectrum.

It is one of the key educational policies of Malta to include children with special needs within mainstream education and assigned a Learning Support Assistant on a one-to-one basis or on a share basis depending on the students’ needs.

This course takes place at Gozo College Sannat Primary. The school is an excellent example of how children with autism are integrated into mainstream education. The school has all the resources imaginable to give the children every opportunity to develop.

During the week, you will be immersed in the Maltese education system. The Maltese government’s position on inclusion, as well as that of the school itself, will be clearly outlined. You will be given tools to implement inclusion in your school, inspired by what you see at Sannat Primary.

As cherry on the cake, you will participate in the functioning of the school for one full day. You will attend classes, speak to the teachers and headmaster and experience the warmth of the school at first hand. A unique experience, that’s for sure.

Final registration

Secure your place and make a final registration HERE.


18/11/2024 – 22/11/2024 (Gozo)

Target group

Target group for this course are teachers, trainers, educational counsellors, career counsellors, school psychologists, headmasters, school management and administrative staff working in either primary schools, secondary schools, VET schools, training centers, adult education, higher education, kindergarten and NGO’s.
Please be aware that the course may include teachers from different school levels.


The course is organized in English


Monday 18 Nov

09:00 – 10:00 Icebreaking – what do we expect from the course
10:00 – 10:30 Malta: culture and pecularities
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00 Maltese education system
12:00 – 13:45 Midday lunch
13:50 – 14:15 Inclusive education: the Maltese experience

Tuesday 19 Nov

09:00 – 10:15 Inclusion at Sannat Primary
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:00 Experience the primary unit yourself!
12:00 – 13:00 Midday lunch
13:00 – 14:15 Plenary session

Wednesday 20 Nov

08:50 – 10:15 understanding ASD
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:00 Experience the Special Unit yourself; followed by a plenary session
12:00 – 13:00 Midday lunch
13:00 – 14:15 Managing behaviour through different strategies (social stories, visuals, calming boxes etc)

Thursday 21 Nov

08:50 – 10:15 Supporting students through sensory, lifeskill, ICT & cognitive sessions
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:00 Experience the Special Unit yourself; followed by a plenary session
12:00 – 12:30 Midday lunch
12:30               Cultural visit: Temple Ggantija, Rabat/Victoria/San Lawrence

Friday 22 Nov

08:50 – 10:15 Supporting social interactions through the use of interventions such as LEGO therapy, talkabout & music
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:00 Inclusion – Primary & Special Unit followed by plenary
12:00 – 13:00 Midday lunch
13:00 – 14:15 Evaluation, closure and distribution of certificates

  • Gain insights and awareness in different aspects of diversity in education;
  • Acquire a number of skills and competences in setting up a diversity and inclusion management method;
  • Create a plan on future (higher) levels of diversity and inclusion management in your own school or institution with the focus on autism;
  • Improved competence of the use of colloquial English;
  • Understand inclusive education as it was introduced in Malta;
  • Experience the practical implementation of inclusion and support for autism at Sannat School – College of Gozo;
  • Understand the mechanisms of ASD;
  • Manage behaviour through different strategies (Social Stories, Visuals, Calming boxes etc.)
  • Support students through Sensory, Lifeskills, ICT & Cognitive Sessions;
  • Support social interactions through the use of interventions such as LEGO therapy, talkabout & music.
  • Improved knowledge of other European educational systems, i.c. The Maltese Education System;
  • Improved insight of differences and similarities between European countries, resulting in a better understanding and respect;
  • Pick up ideas from other countries which they can incorporate and transfer into their own practice;
  • Write own action plan on the setting up of universal design of learning in the own organisation.
  • Practicalities


The course is being organized at the Gozo College Sannat Primary & Special Unit
The address of the school is:
Sannat Road
Ta’ Sannat, SNT 9020
Gozo, Malta
We suggest you to book a hotel in the city Sannat, which is walking distance from the school.


  • School and study visits are part of the programme, as well as the informal moments, lunches and breaks. During those moments a lot of interaction, exchange and learning happens.
  • We offer a cost structure that includes all formal and informal learning activities and opportunities.
  • For a detailed explanation, have a look at our ‘Cost Structure‘.


  • You can request an Erasmus Plus grant from your national agency which will cover almost all costs of this course.
  • We can guide you through the process of funding and application. To do so, you need the make a pre-registration.
  • After pre-registration, we’ll contact you by mail and provide the application help.



Taking a Malta Airport Taxi from Malta International Airport (MLA) to the Lascaris Wharf Terminal in Valletta is the quickest and most direct transfer option. From there you can take a fast ferry to Mgarr Harbour Terminal (Gozo). From this terminal onwards we suggest you take a taxi to Sannat.  


You can take the bus to Ċirkewwa, take the walk to Cirkewwa, take the car ferry to Gozo, then take the taxi to Sannat. Alternatively, you can take the drive (in case you rent a car) to Cirkewwa, take the car ferry to Gozo, then take the drive to Sannat.

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