Almada, Lisbon (Portugal)
Would you like to participate in this course next school year 2023-2024? Please make a pre-registration so we can keep you informed about this course.
Final Registration
You want to confirm your participation for this course in the schoolyear 2023-2024?
Dates can be subject to change and are only final after official confirmation by the course provider.
AlmadaForma: School’s Training Centre of Almada – Agrupamento das Escolas de Caparica
Rua 25 de Abril
Monte da Caparica 2825-105
Almada – Portugal
OID E10075219
PIC 945946911
Co-operative partner for this course is VIVES Brugge (Flanders – Belgium)

The covid-pandemic has exposed and even increased various existing needs in education. Several studies all over the world have shown that all pupils, and in particular pupils in vulnerable positions, have accumulated learning disadvantages. Teachers will therefore have to make additional efforts in the coming years to eliminate these learning disadvantages, by, among other things, focusing on remediation. In addition, several studies have shown how students make greater learning gains in schools that are led by effective school leaders.
Leadership is not merely about realizing a well-organized school where everything runs smoothly, it is also and mainly a matter of spending sufficient and continuous attention to the improvement of the core process of teaching. Instructional leadership encourages and directs teachers’ professional learning for the purpose of better student learning. It is about supporting teacher teams with explicit attention to pedagogical-didactic practices in the classroom.
This international course aims at strengthening instructional leadership skills among the participating school leaders (principals, deputy principals, heads of department, coordinator,…). Participants will learn more about effective teaching and learning and how they can support the use of effective teaching and learning strategies by their teachers in the classroom.
After an introduction to ‘Instructional Leadership’ during the first days, the participants will have the opportunity to choose a specific instructional theme (e.g. evaluation, differentiated instruction, special needs care, induction support) on which they want to focus during the exercises.
At the end of the week, participants will have a better understanding of the instructional leadership practice of their own school as well as a clear view on priorities and possible interventions.
The course sessions will comprise lectures, personal and group exercises, discussions, trainings, school and study visits and individual working time.

The course is organized in the training facilities of Almadaforma, located at the South Bank of the river Tejo in Lisbon (15 km from Lisbon airport).
The participants are free to stay in a hotel of their own choice, however it’s advised to stay somewhere at the South Bank (=Almada) to save transport time during rush hour.
Hotel Mercure Lisboa – Almada (Rua Abel Salazar 9, 2805-313 Almada) is situated immediately near the tramline that leads to Almadaforma.
- School and study visits are part of the programme, as well as the informal moments, lunches and breaks. During those moments a lot of interaction, exchange and learning happens.
- We offer a cost structure that includes all formal and informal learning activities and opportunities.
- For a detailed explanation, have a look at our ‘Cost Structure‘.
- You can request an Erasmus Plus grant from your national agency which will cover almost all costs of this course.
- We can guide you through the process of funding and application. To do so, you need the make a pre-registration.
- After pre-registration, we’ll contact you by mail and provide the application help.
There is a taxi service at the airport that can drive you to the hotel.
It’s particularly difficult to leave Lisbon between 16:30 and 19:00 h and to enter Lisbon between 08:30 and 10:30 h.
You can take the metro located at exit of the arrival hall of the airport and leave the metro at the terminus station Cais do Sodré.
The Aerobus is another good way to travel from and to the airport. The Aerobus provides a connection between the airport and Cais do Sodré.
At the boat station of Cais do Sodré, you can take the ferry boat to Cacilhas (south bank of River Tejo). During working hours, there is a crossing every 15 minutes. The ferry takes 12 minutes to arrive on the other side of the river.
At Cacilhas you can take a taxi or tram (Line 3, direction Universidade, stop Ramalha) for the remaining 5 km.
Sharing a rental car with 3 other people for all transport during the course, can be interesting.The airport is connected directly to the hotel by the Ring of Lisbon and the North-South Connection (Eixo Norte – Sul).
Crossing the bridge, you have a marvellous view on Lisbon, the estuary and both banks of the River Tejo.
Bring or rent a GPS and check the prices of rental cars on the Internet.
Walk 400 m from the hotel to the tram stop ‘Ramalha’, where you take the tram of Line 3 to ‘Universidade’ .
Leave the tram at stop ‘Monte de Caparica’.
Walk 600 m through the village to Almadaforma.